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How To Add Cisco Nexus 9k Switch in Eve-ng

How To Add Cisco Nexus 9k Switch in Eve-ng

Cisco Nexus Switched requires no introduction to the networking world. This article will help you to add nexus switches in eve-ng. Nexus Switches use a little bit more resources as compared to other nodes.

Nexus Switch is so rich in features that it covers almost 80% of data centers in the world. Now you can create topology and practice as much as you can in Eve-ng.

If you want to download Eve-ng with multiple pre-loaded images then just click here.
If you want to install Cisco Nexus 9k switch on VMware then check our other post- How to install a Cisco Nexus switch on Vmware.

I will help you step by step to add Nexus 9k switch in eve-ng. For more help, you can watch the video shared in the last, Video- how to add Cisco Nexus Switch in Eve-ng.


  1. How to install Eve-ng on VMware on Windows
  2. Download Cisco Nexus 9k Images.
  3. Preparing Eve-ng for Cisco Nexus 9k.
  4. Getting ready for Cisco Nexus 9k for first use.
  5. NX9K first boot setup steps.

There is a separate post in detail on how to install Eve-ng on vmware, so we will continue with the second step directly.

1. Cisco Nexus 9k Images in eve-ng.

EVE Image NameDownloaded FilenameVersionvCPUsvRAM

Other versions should also be supported following bellow’s procedure

2. Download Cisco Nexus 9k Images for Eve-ng

if you have access to the Cisco software portal, you can directly download the image from the Cisco website from the below URL.

No worries, if you do not have access to Cisco Website you can download the image from the below alternate link.
Download Cisco Nexus 9k Image

Images provided above are strictly for educational purposes and are not hosted on the server. We are just indexing the links found on the internet for educational purposes only. Once you download the image then we are going to go for the next step.

3. Preparing Eve-ng Cisco Nexus 9k switch.

The steps below are based on nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.4.qcow2 creation, for another image deployment, use proper names respectively.

SSH to EVE-ng and login as root, from cli and create a temporary working directory on the EVE’s root:

mkdir /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/nxosv9k-7.0.3.I7.4/

Upload the downloaded nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.4.qcow2 image to the EVE /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/nxosv9k-7.0.3.I7.4/ using for example FileZilla or WinSCP.

From cli go to created directory and rename the image to Sataa.qcow2.

cd /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/nxosv9k-7.0.3.I7.4/
mv nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.4.qcow2 sataa.qcow2

Now we need to Fix permissions in eve-ng, once done we are good to start the node

/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions

5. NX9K first boot setup steps.

Now you must be seeing node in Eve-ng. when you start the node it will take some time to start depending on your cpu and memory.
you may be getting a loader on the screen once Nexus completed its booting.

Insert below command to check all the available file

you will see output mentioning the boot file as like below image.

after running dir command you will be able to see NXOS image then just use below command and press enter
loader > boot nxos.7.0.3.I7.4.bin

it will take some time to load depending on cpu and memory once done it will ask for a prompt answer

1. Start node and on the prompt answer:

Abort Auto Provisioning and continue with normal setup ?(yes/no)[n]: yes
Do you want to enforce secure password standard (yes/no) no

Enter passwords for admin:

Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): no

2. Login in your switch first time:

User Access Verification
 login: admin
 Password: admin

3. dir flash: To get the proper image name to set  boot nxos from it

switch# dir bootflash:
       4096    Apr 18 00:53:27 2017  .rpmstore/
       4096    Apr 18 00:53:47 2017  .swtam/
      14160    Apr 18 00:58:45 2017  20170418_005603_poap_26331_init.log
  757307904    Feb 16 17:17:14 2017  nxos.7.0.3.I7.4.bin
          0    Apr 18 01:00:14 2017  platform-sdk.cmd
       4096    Apr 18 00:55:47 2017  scripts/
       4096    Apr 18 00:55:57 2017  virt_strg_pool_bf_vdc_1/
       4096    Apr 18 00:54:00 2017  virtual-instance/
         59    Apr 18 00:53:52 2017  virtual-instance.conf

4. Enter into global configuration mode:

switch# conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# boot nxos bootflash:nxos.7.0.3.I7.4.bin
copy run start 

Now your NX9K after reboot or stopping node will start normally. Steps 1-3 need to to do one time on every first added NX9K node on the topology!

Now your switch is ready !!!

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